Rightly paranoid of the saber-rattling powers on their northern border, and ever-jealous of their independence and neutrality, the tiny nation of Switzerland responded with a weapon that, compared to other standard infantry arms of its time, was pure science fiction: The Gew. 1869 Vetterli.

While the Prussians and French had to worry about gasses blowing back into their face from badly-sealed breeches, and fumble with loose rounds after every shot, the Swiss rifleman had a 12-shot breechloading turnbolt that used self-contained metallic cartridges. The 10.4x38R rimfire cartridge was no great shakes ballistically, lobbing a 334gr bullet at a leisurely 1345fps, but magazine capacity can cover a multitude of sins, especially in the hands of of an experienced rifleman, a commodity that the Swiss have never lacked.

The mechanism of the Vetterli was simplicity itself, being drawn from the 1866 Winchester; the bolt operated a bellcrank that knocked the cartridge lifter up and down. The bolt cocked itself on opening, and dual firing pins helped mitigate the occasional priming deficiencies of the rimfire cartridge.

Never tested in battle, and superceded in only 14 years by the excellent Schmidt-Rubin series of rifles, the Vetterli often draws fire for its anemic cartridge and rear locking lugs, but compared to every other service rifle of the day, the fact remains that the Swiss were issuing the future while everyone else was still fumbling in the past.
And most attractive too.
Do you know of any place to find new production, or reproduction ammo for this needle point rifle. I have a friend who had one fall into his lap. We would like to fire it if possible.
I believe the typical practice for people who want to fire these old rifles is to convert them to centerfire and handload the ammo.
I have one of these rifles. i do not wish to sell it, but i was wondering if someone would know an approxamate value for it. I could take pics if it would help, no.s match on rifle. tnks
My great-grandfather used one of these in The Easter Rebellion of 1916 and even in the Irish Revolution in 1919. He switched quite quickly (he had fought for both the British and the Americans in WWI and preferred the M1917 Enfield) but he said he always had a soft spot for the Vetterli and he used it with deadly results. It was given to me by my dad several years ago and hangs proudly on my wall. What a beautiful rifle.
I have had a rifle just like the Gew.71 Vertilli for many years. It was given to me about 40 years ago. I just decided to see if it had any value. It is in working order, but not highly polished, has not been used in all the time I have had it. Looking at your photos I see that I have a ram rod attached just forward of the sling attachment, otherwise identical to your photo.
Anyone interested in evaluating mine and maybe purchasing it??
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